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The answer is no. We do not price match against other online retailers.
We have a set of agreed pricing with our suppliers. What is very common is for an online retailer to undersell against others.
We have a business to maintain, staff to pay, bills to cover and our marketing strategy is to provide good honest service - NOT to be a drop shipper or cheap seller.
Sellers listing items below standard retail try to hoover up the good will and work done by others. We do not play that game.
Many online stores are drop shipping from a central warehouse, we only sell what we have on the shelf and knowledge off. Drop Shipping is a website that sells and lists as bulk items available - when they actually never touch the product.
For example, a retailer listing 80+ high end scopes in stock in the UK it does not actually have that stock, its listing from a central warehouse.
If you have found it elsewhere please go grab yourself a bargain. However when smaller more upfront retailers are no longer in business this may be part of the reason why.
If we have the margin and flexibility to sell we always try and offer the best price available - but the price we advertise is the BEST price we can sell the item for.
Thats our honest answer.
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