Tools Cleaning Lubes
Bisley Silicone Gun Oil by Bisley
Silicone Gun Oil by Bisley Produces a fine high sheen finish on all shotguns, rifles and airguns and accessories that protects from moisture and dirt, eliminating rusting and corrosion.Produces a high sheen finish on all airgunsStops the corrosive effects of fingerprints on airgun barrelsHighly water and dirt repellent Beneficial to both barrel and stock Does not evaporate like mineral oils. DO NOT use Silicone Gun Oil on the Internal workings of any airgun. Airgun 101 Shop is not responsible for any harm or damage caused to any person or item when using this kit, always ensure the gun is safe before use.
Bisley Bisley Gun Lubricant 30ml
Bisley Gun Lubricant 30ml Recommended lubricant for high velocity moving parts, air gun compression chambers, firing pins in all sporting guns and any area where sliding friction is encountered. Excellent lubricant for all sporting guns, rifles & pistolsImproves performance through smoother actionMaximises power by reducing drag Non gumming Non dieseling in air guns Excellent rust inhibitor as it does not evaporate like mineral oils DO NOT use inside pressure chambers / internal workings on PCP airguns. Mixture of inorganic and organic compounds. No hazardous ingredients Not hazardous according to Council Directive 88/379/EEC and its subsequent amendments. Prevent entry of large quantities into drains and water courses. Use Protective Clothing. Airgun 101 Shop is not responsible for any harm or damage caused to any person or item when using this kit, always ensure the gun is safe before use.
Bisley Mineral Gun Oil by Bisley
Mineral Gun Oil by Bisley An excellent general purpose light mineral oil for all guns, accessories and equipment requiring a light viscocity oil. LubricatesProtects from rusting and corrosionPenetrates to loosen rust DO NOT use Gun Oil on the Internal workings of any airgun. Airgun 101 Shop is not responsible for any harm or damage caused to any person or item when using this kit, always ensure the gun is safe before use.